Last updated: March 7, 2025
Nigeria became a Party to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control on January 18, 2006.
Smoke Free Places
Smoking is restricted to designated smoking areas in the majority of indoor public places and workplaces, but movie sets, theatres, cinemas, and studios are smoke free. Smoking is prohibited on public transport. Smoking is also prohibited in certain outdoor spaces, including: restaurants and bars and any place where food or drink is served or consumed, playgrounds, amusement parks, public parks, and other public gathering places; bus stops, vehicle parks and seaports; among other areas or places. The National Tobacco Control Regulations provide additional restrictions on the placement, operation and construction of any designated smoking area. Where those requirements cannot be met, smoking is prohibited in the entire enclosed public place or workplace. Sub-national jurisdictions may enact smoke free laws that are more stringent than the national law.
Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship
Tobacco advertising and promotion is prohibited except tobacco manufacturers and retailers are permitted to promote and advertise tobacco products to “consenting” adults. Advertising and promotion in film and music videos, however, is prohibited entirely regardless of age/consent. There are some restrictions on tobacco sponsorship and the publicity of such sponsorship, which is subject to the same loophole allowing sponsorship aimed at “consenting” adults.
Tobacco Packaging and Labeling
Combined picture and text health warnings are required to be displayed on 50 percent of all principal display areas of all tobacco product packaging. Beginning in 2024, the size of the combined picture and text warnings will increase to 60 percent. The law prohibits misleading packaging and labeling, including terms such as “light” and “low tar” and other signs, such as colors.
Cigarette Contents and Disclosures
The law regulates specified contents of cigarettes, including banning characterizing flavors. The law requires that manufacturers and importers disclose to government authorities information on the contents and emissions of their products.
Sales Restrictions
The law prohibits the sale of tobacco products via the internet, single cigarettes, and small packets of cigarettes. The law restricts the sale via vending machines. The sale of tobacco products is prohibited to persons under the age of 18.
The sale of e-cigarettes is allowed. E-cigarette advertising and promotion in film and music videos is prohibited. There are no restrictions on the use; advertising, promotion and sponsorship (beyond film and video); or packaging and labeling of e-cigarettes.
Roadmap to Tobacco Control Legislation
The National Tobacco Control Act, 2015 regulates all aspects of tobacco control including smoke free places, tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, tobacco packaging and labeling, prevention of tobacco industry interference, tobacco product disclosures, the creation of a National Tobacco Control Committee, tobacco product sales, including prohibiting the sale of single sticks, among other areas. The National Tobacco Control Regulations, 2019 implement many provisions of the Act including smoke free places, tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, tobacco packaging and labeling, prevention of tobacco industry interference, and tobacco product disclosures, among others. The provisions on tobacco product packaging and labeling entered into force in June 2021, 18 months after the date of publication of the regulations in the Gazette. There are two Nigerian Industrial Standards regulating the content and required disclosures and prescribing the health warning contents. NIS 463:2018 regulates smoked tobacco products and NIS 1031:2018 regulates smokeless tobacco products. The National Film and Video Censors Board Regulations, 2024 regulate tobacco (including e-cigarette) advertising, promotion, and depiction in film and music videos and describe what constitutes unnecessary tobacco use depiction in film and music video productions.
Review Status
This country’s legal measures were reviewed by our legal staff in consultation with in-country lawyers or tobacco control experts.
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