Last updated: June 11, 2024



Sales Restrictions

Fine, Other

(e.g., seizure of the product, publication of the violation/violator)

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The Act provides that the Directorate of Health and municipalities will supervise compliance with the provisions related to sales restrictions. The supervisory authority may require correction of any violations and may impose a coercive fine running from the date of expiration of the time limit for corrective action. The fine can be a one-time fine or a daily fine. The amount of the fines is not specified in the Act or Regulations. Municipalities may also issue a decision to prohibit tobacco product sales by the offending point of sale.

Location-based Sales Restrictions


Tobacco sales are not restricted by location; therefore, there are no associated penalties.

Minimum Retail Package Size

Fine, Other

(e.g., seizure of the product, publication of the violation/violator)

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The Act provides that the Directorate of Health and municipalities will supervise compliance with the provisions related to the minimum retail package size. The supervisory authority may require correction of any violations and may impose a coercive fine running from the date of expiration of the time limit for corrective action. The fine can be a one-time fine or a daily fine. The amount of the fines is not specified in the Act or Regulations. Municipalities may also issue a decision to prohibit tobacco product sales by the offending point of sale.

In addition, the law establishes that tobacco products, tobacco surrogates, and tobacco devices imported in violation of these can be seized and destroyed by the customs authorities.

Minimum Legal Sales Age

Fine, Other

(e.g., seizure of the product, publication of the violation/violator)

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The Act provides that municipalities will supervise registered sales outlets' compliance with the minimum legal sales age. The supervisory authority may require correction of any violations and may impose a coercive fine running from the date of expiration of the time limit for corrective action. The fine can be a one-time fine or a daily fine. The amount of the fines is not specified in the Act or Regulations. Municipalities may also issue a decision to prohibit tobacco product sales by the offending point of sale.