Last updated: July 31, 2024
Key Terms
An “electronic cigarette” is a product that can be used to inhale vapor containing nicotine through a mouthpiece or any component of that product, including a refill, a tank, and a device without a refill or tank. Electronic cigarettes can be either disposable after use or refilled using a refill container and tank, or they can be refilled with single-use refills. A device is also considered an electronic cigarette if it is refilled using a non- nicotine refill container and tank, or filled with a non-nicotine single-use refill for inhaling nicotine-free vapor.
For the purpose of this review, we will use the term “e-cigarette” when referring to an “electronic cigarette.”
Related products
“Related products” according to Directive 2014/40/EU are electronic cigarettes and refill containers, and herbal smoking products. Under this Act, related products also include nicotine-free electronic cigarettes and nicotine-free refill containers, herbal heating products, new tobacco products, and new nicotine products. Under this Act, related products are also accessories or devices for using the related products referred to in the first sentence and the previous sentence of this point, without which the related products cannot be used.
The definition of “related products” is significant because it includes e-cigarettes.
Refill container
“Refill container” means a receptacle that contains a nicotine-containing liquid which can be used to refill an electronic cigarette.
Nicotine-free electronic cigarettes
A “nicotine-free electronic cigarette” is a single-use product that contains a tank with nicotine-free liquid and is used to inhale nicotine-free vapor through the mouthpiece or any component of that product.
Nicotine-free refill containers
A “nicotine-free refill container” is a package containing a nicotine-free liquid that can be used to refill electronic cigarettes.