Law Concerning the Production, Sale and Consumption of Tobacco and its Derivative Products
COMMENTS: The Law Concerning the Production, Sale and Consumption of Tobacco and its Derivative Products regulates, among other things, restrictions on public smoking; tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and tobacco packaging and labeling. The Law authorizes the Council of Ministers to issue decrees implementing the law.
Administrative Order No. 139/2013 of August 20, 2013 Determining the Templates for Signs Banning Smoking in Public Places and Indicating Areas Set Aside for Smokers
COMMENTS: Administrative Order No. 139/2013 contains the requirements of signs indicating "No Smoking" areas and designated smoking areas.
Administrative Order No. 136/2013 of August 20, 2013 Concerning the List and Rotation of Health Warnings to Be Printed on Packaging Units of Tobacco and its Derivative Products
COMMENTS: Administrative Order No. 136/2013 specifies the rotation schedule of health warnings required on tobacco product packaging.
Administrative Order No. 137/2013 of August 20, 2013 Determining the Procedures for the Printing and Formatting of the Borders of Health Warnings and Other Specifications
COMMENTS: Administrative Order No. 137/2013 establishes the procedures for printing and specifications of health warnings required on tobacco product packaging.
Administrative Order No. 138/2013 of August 20, 2013 Determining the Procedures for the Establishment of Smoking Areas in Public Places Where Smoking is Prohibited
COMMENTS: Administrative Order No. 138/2013 contains technical standards required for designated smoking rooms, where permitted.
Decree No. 2012-071 Concerning Regulation of Points of Sale of Tobacco and its Derivative Products in Togo
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2012-071 Concerning Regulation of Points of Sale of Tobacco and its Derivative Products in Togo regulates the sale of tobacco products and prohibits the display of tobacco or tobacco products at points of sale.
Decree No. 2012-072 Concerning the Prohibition of Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship of Tobacco and its Derivative Products in Togo
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2012-072 Concerning the Prohibition of Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship of Tobacco and its Derivative Products in Togo prohibits all forms of domestic and cross-border advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products.
Decree No. 2012-050 Concerning the Composition, Attributions and Functioning of the National Committee for Tobacco Control (CNLT – Comité National de Lutte Contre le Tabac)
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2012-050 Concerning the Composition, Attributions and Functioning of the National Committee for Tobacco Control (CNLT – Comité National de Lutte Contre le Tabac) creates and regulates a national tobacco control committee.
Decree No. 2012-046 Concerning the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2012-046 Concerning the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places clarifies the scope of the smoking ban under the law.
Decree No. 2012-047 Concerning Modalities for the Implementation of Rules Concerning Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco and its Derivative Products
COMMENTS: Decree No. 2012-047 Concerning Modalities for the Implementation of Rules Concerning Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco and its Derivative Products regulates the packaging of tobacco products including providing for health warning requirements.
Administrative Order No. 107 Setting the Terms for the Implementation of Article 28 of Law No. 2010-017 of December 31, 2010, Concerning Conflicts of Interest Between the Objectives of Public Health and the Commercial Interests of Tobacco Companies
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Administrative Order No. 171 on the List and Rotation of Health Warnings to be Recorded on Unit Packs of Tobacco and Derivatives
COMMENTS: Administrative Order No. 171 establishes the round of health warnings required to appear on tobacco product packaging from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017.
Interministerial Order No. 017 Relating to Placing on the Market Tobacco Products and its Derivatives
Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.
Administrative Order No. 054 on the List of Health Warnings to be Recorded on Unit Packs of Tobacco and Derivatives
COMMENTS: Administrative Order No. 054 establishes the round of health warnings required to appear on tobacco product packaging from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023.