Last updated: March 6, 2023

Health Warnings/Messages Features

Type of product: Smoked Tobacco Products
Type of Warnings / Messages Required
Text Warnings/Messages
Location and Size of Warnings / Messages on Unit Packaging
65% of Front, 65% of Back, Side(s)
Number of Warnings / Messages Authorized to Be Displayed at Any Given Time
Length of Rotation Period
- 24 months

The law and a decree require packaging of tobacco products and derivative products (e.g., e-cigarettes) to display text-only health warnings covering 65% of each principal display area. Four warnings are to appear in rotation simultaneously, with the set of warnings changing every 24 months. In addition, such packaging must contain two qualitative constituents and emissions statements on the sides of the packaging where the health warnings are not displayed. Health warnings must be in the principal languages of Togo.

The law aligns with FCTC Art. 11 and the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines.

Type of product: Smokeless Tobacco Products
Type of Warnings / Messages Required
Text Warnings/Messages
Location and Size of Warnings / Messages on Unit Packaging
65% of Front, 65% of Back, Side(s)
Number of Warnings / Messages Authorized to Be Displayed at Any Given Time
Length of Rotation Period
- 24 months

The law and a decree require packaging of tobacco products and derivative products (e.g., e-cigarettes) to display text-only health warnings covering 65% of each principal display area. Four warnings are to appear in rotation simultaneously, with the set of warnings changing every 24 months. Such packaging must contain two qualitative constituents and emissions statements on the sides of the packaging where the health warnings are not displayed. Health warnings must be in the principal languages of Togo.

The law aligns with FCTC Art. 11 and the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines.