Code of Administrative Responsibility (as amended)
Note: The uploaded file contains amendments through August 30, 2023.
COMMENTS: Law No. LRU-154 on Smoke-Free Public Transportation is no longer in effect. It is replaced by The Code of The Republic of Uzbekistan About the Administrative Responsibility (as amended on March 26, 2020).
Health Standards for Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: These Health Standards for Tobacco Products were replaced by Directive No. 74 on the Ratification of the General Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products.
Resolution No. III-1024 about Perspective of Main Macroeconomic Indexes and State Budget Parameters for 2009
COMMENTS: Resolution No. III-1024 about Perspective of Main Macroeconomic Indexes and State Budget Parameters for 2009 contains excise tax rates for cigarettes, cigars, and cigarillos. In the file posted as the "English Language Translation," only relevant portions of the law have been translated into English.
COMMENTS: No. 1140-2009 State Technical Standards for Cigarettes were replaced by Directive No. 74 on the Ratification of the General Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products.
Law No. 302 on Limitations of the Distribution and Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco
COMMENTS: Law No. 302 on Limitations of the Distribution and Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco was repealed by Law No. ZRU-844.
Order No. 311 on Approving of the Health Warnings
COMMENTS: Order No. 311 on Approving of the Health Warnings is no longer in effect. Current health warnings are contained in Directive No. 74 on the Ratification of the General Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products.
Addenda 1-7 to Order No. 311 on Approving of the Health Warnings
COMMENTS: Addenda 1-7 to Order No. 311 on Approving of the Health Warnings is no longer in effect. Current health warnings are contained in Directive No. 74 on the Ratification of the General Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products.
Law No. ZRU-478 on the Restriction of Smoking of Hookah and Electronic Cigarettes in Public Places
COMMENTS: Law No. ZRU-478 on the Restriction of Smoking of Hookah and Electronic Cigarettes in Public Places was repealed by Law No. ZRU-844.
Directive No. 74 on the Ratification of the General Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products (as amended)
COMMENTS: Directive No. 74 on the Ratification of the General Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products (as amended) contains packaging and labeling requirements and content regulations for tobacco products and e-cigarettes.
Resolution No. 1034 on Changes and Additions to the General Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Resolution No. 1034 on Changes and Additions to the General Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products contains some changes to the Technical Regulations.
Resolution No. PP-4665 on Measures to Further Regulate the Tobacco Market
COMMENTS: Resolution No. PP-4665 on Measures to Further Regulate the Tobacco Market imposes taxes and orders ministries to develop regulations, among other things.
Law No. ZRU-776 on Advertising
COMMENTS: Law No. ZRU-776 on Advertising regulates advertising in general, as well as advertising of tobacco products and e-cigarettes in particular.
Law No. ZRU-844 on Restricting the Distribution and Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco Products
COMMENTS: Law No. ZRU-844 on Restricting the Distribution and Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco Products is the primary law regulating tobacco products and e-cigarettes. It regulates smoke free places; packaging and labeling; contents and disclosure; and sales restrictions.