Last updated: May 11, 2023

Smoke Free Status of Indoor Public Places, Workplaces, and Public Transport

All indoor workplaces

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places. However, smoking areas are not permitted in indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18; therefore, daycares, preschools, and primary and secondary schools are 100% smoke free.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in all indoor workplaces.

All indoor public places

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places. However, smoking areas are not permitted in indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18; therefore, daycares, preschools, and primary and secondary schools are 100% smoke free.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in all indoor public places.

All public transport

Smoking is Restricted

The law prohibits smoking in most public transport (non-private vehicles). However, the law provides for an exception for the indoor areas of a restaurant on board a vessel used in international maritime transport when the serving area is not larger than 50 square meters or no more than 50 percent of the area in larger establishments. Because of this exception, the regulatory status code “Smoking is Restricted” is given.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking on all public transport.

Government facilities

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes government facilities.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in all government facilities.

Private offices

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes private offices.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in private offices.


Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes hospitals.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in hospitals.

Residential healthcare facilities - public areas

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes residential healthcare facilities.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in public areas of residential healthcare facilities.

Non-residential healthcare facilities

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes non-residential healthcare facilities.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in non-residential healthcare facilities.

Childcare facilities/preschools

100% Smoke Free

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places. However, these are not permitted in indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18. The law also specifies that smoking is not permitted in indoor areas of homes used to provide day care services. Therefore, childcare facilities and preschools are 100% smoke free.

The law aligns with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines with respect childcare facilities and preschools.

Primary and secondary schools

100% Smoke Free

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places. However, these are not permitted in indoor areas that are mainly used by persons under the age of 18. Therefore, primary and secondary schools are 100% smoke free.

The law aligns with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines with respect to primary and secondary schools.

Universities/vocational facilities

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes universities and vocational facilities.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in universities and vocational facilities.


Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes shops.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in shops.

Cultural facilities

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes cultural facilities.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in cultural facilities.

Indoor stadium/arenas

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes indoor stadiums and arenas.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in indoor stadiums and arenas.


Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes restaurants. Food and beverage service is prohibited in the smoking area.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in restaurants.


Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes bars, pubs, and nightclubs.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in bars, pubs, and nightclubs.


Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes casinos.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in casinos.

Hotels/lodging - public areas

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes public areas of hotels.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in public areas of hotels.

Hotels/lodgings - guest rooms

Smoking is Restricted

The law provides a specific exception allowing smoking in a maximum of one out of ten rooms for customer accommodation in a hotel or other tourist accommodation establishment or, depending on the number of rooms, in a maximum of three rooms.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in guest rooms in hotels and lodging facilities.

Prisons/detention facilities - public areas

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes public areas of prisons and detention facilities.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit smoking in public areas of prisons and detention facilities.

Trains, buses and other shared ground transportation other than taxis

100% Smoke Free

The law prohibits smoking inside of vehicles that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. This is interpreted to cover trains, buses, and other shared ground transportation.

The law aligns with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines with respect to trains, buses, and other shared ground transport.

Taxis (for-hire vehicle)

100% Smoke Free

The law prohibits smoking inside of vehicles that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. This is interpreted to cover taxis.

The law aligns with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines with respect to taxis.

Commercial aircraft

100% Smoke Free

The law prohibits smoking inside of vehicles that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. This is interpreted to cover commercial aircraft.

The law aligns with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines with respect to commercial aircraft.

Commercial watercraft

Smoking is Restricted

The law prohibits smoking inside of vehicles that are accessible to the public or employees or accessible to customers for the purpose of providing commercial or public services. This is interpreted to cover commercial watercraft. However, there is an exception provided for the indoor areas of a restaurant on board a vessel used in international maritime transport when the serving area is not larger than 50 square meters or no more than 50 percent of the area in larger establishments.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit all smoking on commercial watercraft.

Public transport facilities (waiting areas for mass transit)

Smoking is Restricted

The law permits separate smoking areas in most indoor workplaces and public places, which includes public transport facilities.

To align with FCTC Art. 8 and the FCTC Art. 8 Guidelines, the law should prohibit all smoking in public transport facilities.

Private vehicles with passengers under 15

Smoking is Restricted

The law prohibits smoking in private vehicles with anyone under the age of 15 present in the vehicle. The prohibition does not apply to living areas inside of vehicles.

Shared and public indoor areas of housing corporations

100% Smoke Free

The law prohibits smoking in the shared and public indoor areas of housing corporations. Additionally, housing corporations can request municipalities to impose a smoking ban.