Last updated: January 31, 2025
Key Terms
“Ingredient” means tobacco, an additive, and any substance or element present in a finished tobacco product or related product, including paper, filters, ink, capsules and adhesives.
The definition of “ingredient” provided in the law aligns with the definition provided in the FCTC Arts. 9 & 10 Partial Guidelines.
Includes tobacco, components (e.g. paper, filter), including materials used to manufacture those components, additives, processing aids, residual substances found in tobacco (following storage and processing), and substances that migrate from the packaging material into the product (contaminants are not part of the ingredients). (FCTC Art. 9 & 10 Partial Guidelines)
“Additive” means a substance other than tobacco that is added to a tobacco product, nicotine-containing liquid, non-nicotine-containing liquid, or wrapper or outer packaging thereof.
The definition of additive is important because the law regulates additives in tobacco products.