Last updated: January 31, 2025

Health Warnings/Messages Features

Type of product: Smoked Tobacco Products
Type of Warnings / Messages Required
Pictures (Photos), Text Warnings/Messages
Location and Size of Warnings / Messages on Unit Packaging
65% of Front, 65% of Back, 50% of Side(s)
Number of Warnings / Messages Authorized to Be Displayed at Any Given Time
Length of Rotation Period
Specified 12 months

One of 14 combined (picture/text) health warnings must cover 65% of the back and front of the package. There are 3 sets of 14 combined health warnings; each set must appear for one year and be succeeded by the next set. The 14 combined health warnings within each set must appear equally in a given year.

In addition, tobacco product packaging must contain a general warning and an informational message. The general warning must appear on the bottom part of one of the lateral surfaces of the unit packets, and the information message must appear on the bottom part of the other lateral surface. These health warnings must have a width of not less than 20 mm, and must cover 50% of the surfaces on which they are printed.

The law meets FCTC Art. 11 and aligns with the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines with respect to size, location, and rotation of health warnings on packages on smoked tobacco products.

Type of product: Smokeless Tobacco Products
Type of Warnings / Messages Required
Text Warnings/Messages
Location and Size of Warnings / Messages on Unit Packaging
30% of Front, 30% of Back
Not Applicable
Number of Warnings / Messages Authorized to Be Displayed at Any Given Time
Length of Rotation Period
Not Applicable

Smokeless tobacco products must carry the following health warning: ‘This tobacco product damages your health and is addictive.’ The warning must cover 30% of the two largest surfaces.

The law meets the minimum requirements of FCTC Art. 11 in that the warnings occupy at least 30% of the two principal display areas of the package. However, to fully align with FCTC Art. 11 and the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines, the law should require warnings be composed of pictures and text, include a variety of messages to be displayed at any given time, and require that the warnings rotate on a regular basis.  In addition, the law should expressly require the warnings to appear on at least 50% of each principal display area.