Last updated: March 6, 2020



Sales Restrictions

Fine, Jail

Violations of the ban on single cigarette sales are punishable by a category six fine under the General Fines Act, imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.

Violations of the ban on vending machines sales are punishable by a category five fine under the General Fines Act, imprisonment not exceeding three months, or both. Pursuant to a decision by the Attorney General, the fine amount for vending machine sales violations is fixed at SRD 1,000.

Location-based Sales Restrictions

Fine, Jail

Violations of location-based sales restrictions are punishable by a category six fine under the General Fines Act, imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both. Pursuant to a decision by the Attorney General, the fine amount is fixed at SRD 1.500.

Minimum Retail Package Size

Fine, Jail

Violations of the minimum retail package size are punishable by a category six fine under the General Fines Act, imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.

Minimum Legal Sales Age

Fine, Jail

Violations of the ban on sales to persons below the age of 18 are punishable by a category six fine under the General Fines Act, imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both. Pursuant to a decision by the Attorney General, the fine amount is fixed at SRD 1,000.