
SNS 2656/2006, Tobacco and Tobacco Products: Cigarettes (First Revision)

COMMENTS: SNS 2656/2006, Tobacco and Tobacco Products: Cigarettes (First Revision) regulates the appearance of cigarettes and cigarette packaging, including required health warnings.

Ministry of Health Report on 2008 FCTC Activities

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

Legislative Decree No. 62 Banning Smoking and Sales in Public Places

COMMENTS: This is the primary tobacco control law in Syria. It addresses the ban of smoking and sales of tobacco products in a list of areas; provides rules for smoking areas; provides some guidance on packaging and labeling; and bans publicity and advertisement of tobacco products or their use. The Decree also defines penalties for violations of its provisions.

Ministry of Local Administration Circular No. 12

COMMENTS: Ministry of Local Administration Circular No. 12 prohibits e-cigarette sale; use; and advertising, promotion, and sponsorship.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of June 27, 2023 unless otherwise noted.