Last updated: November 6, 2023


Activities / Violations
Entities That Can Be Held Responsible

Advertising and Promotion


Advertising producers and distributors

Enforcement Agency

Consumer Rights Agency


Violations of advertising and promotion provisions are subject to a fine of five to seven times the base calculation unit (BCU). Repeat violations within one year are subject to a fine of seven to 15 ties the BCU.

The provisions align with FCTC Art. 13 and the FCTC Art. 13 Guidelines in that it imposes fines, including increased fines for repeat offenses. However, to more fully align, license suspension and cancellation should also be considered as penalties.



Advertising producers and distributors

Enforcement Agency

Consumer Rights Agency


Violations of sponsorhsip provisions are subject to a fine of five to seven times the base calculation unit (BCU). Repeat violations within one year are subject to a fine of seven to 15 ties the BCU.

The provisions align with FCTC Art. 13 and the FCTC Art. 13 Guidelines in that it imposes fines, including increased fines for repeat offenses. However, to more fully align, license suspension and cancellation should also be considered as penalties.