Legislation by Country/Jurisdiction
Last updated: December 14, 2020
Health Warnings/Messages Features
Health warnings must cover at least 60% of the principal display area. The warnings must consist of text and images and must occupy the front and back of the package. Warnings must appear in a rectangular format, inside a frame with a maximum thickness of 1/2 of a millimeter.
The Barbados National Standard Institution (SI) approved 40 pictorial health warnings for tobacco products. The SI issued 16 health warnings for smoked tobacco product packages (of which one must appear at any given time on a package) and 16 health warnings for smoked tobacco product cartons (of which three must appear at a time).
Detailed regulations prescribe which health warnings are rotated every 12 months.
The following declaration is required in addition to the health warnings: "Smoke from this product contains extremely addictive nicotine and toxic substances such as tar and carbon monoxide. No safe level of consumption exists for this product". The declaration must be printed in black letters on a yellow or white background, and: on any side of a carton at a minimum size of 2cm x 3cm; on the entire side panel of a rectangular package; on the portion of the side panel below the flip-top opening of a flip-top package; and on an area that is adjacent to the health warning on packages that are not rectangular.
The law aligns with FCTC Art. 11 and the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines.
Health warnings must cover at least 60% of the principal display area. The warnings must consist of text and images and must occupy the front and back of the package. Warnings must appear in a rectangular format, inside a frame with a maximum thickness of 1/2 of a millimeter.
The Barbados National Standard Institution (SI) approved 40 pictorial health warnings for tobacco products. The SI issued eight different warnings for smokeless tobacco products (of which one must appear at any given time on a package).
Detailed regulations prescribe which health warnings are rotated every 12 months.
All tobacco products (even smokeless products) appear to require the following statement in addition to the health warnings: "Smoke from this product contains extremely addictive nicotine and toxic substances such as tar and carbon monoxide. No safe level of consumption exists for this product." The declaration must be printed in black letters on a yellow or white background, and: on any side of a carton at a minimum size of 2cm x 3cm; on the entire side panel of a rectangular package; on the portion of the side panel below the flip-top opening of a flip-top package; and on an area that is adjacent to the health warning on packages that are not rectangular.
The law aligns with FCTC Art. 11 and the FCTC Art. 11 Guidelines.
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