Last updated: January 23, 2024

Main Policies

Sale of heated tobacco products
Main policies

Use in indoor public places, workplaces, and public transport

Some Restrictions
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The law prohibits the “use” and “consumption” of HTPs in public transport and virtually in all indoor public places and workplaces, except in designated smoking areas in the airport. The total area of the designated smoking rooms may not exceed five percent of the airport’s total area and they must be equipped with exhaust ventilation and have required signage posted.

Advertising and promotion (excluding point of sale product display)

Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Banned
Devices: Banned
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Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Banned

The law prohibits virtually all direct and indirect forms of advertising and promotion of tobacco products, which, by definition, includes tobacco inserts. Note, however, it is uncertain whether advertising and promotion via international radio and television and international newspaper and magazines, and retailer incentive programs are banned.

Devices: Banned

The law prohibits virtually all direct and indirect forms of advertising and promotion of devices. Note, however, it is uncertain whether advertising and promotion via international radio and television and international newspaper and magazines, and retailer incentive programs are banned.

Point of sale product display

Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Some Restrictions
Devices: Some Restrictions
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Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Some Restrictions

The law prohibits the sale of tobacco products (except cartons), which, by definition, includes tobacco inserts, from self-service shelves. As such, the products must be kept out of reach of consumers. However, because the display is not prohibited and the provision excludes cartons, the regulatory status code “Some Restrictions” is given.

Devices: Some Restrictions

The law prohibits the sale of devices from self-service shelves, meaning that the products must be kept out of reach of consumers. However, because the display of devices is not prohibited at the point of sale, the regulatory status code “Some Restrictions” is given.

Sale of heated tobacco products via the internet

Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Allowed
Devices: Allowed
Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Allowed

The law does not specifically prohibit or restrict the sale of tobacco products, which, by definition, includes tobacco inserts, via the internet. Therefore, the law is interpreted as allowing internet sales of tobacco inserts.

Devices: Allowed

The law does not specifically prohibit or restrict the sale of devices via the internet. Therefore, the law is interpreted as allowing internet sales of devices.

Sale of heated tobacco products via vending machines

Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Banned
Devices: Banned
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Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Banned

The law prohibits the sales of tobacco products, which, by definition, includes tobacco inserts, via vending machines.

Devices: Banned

The law prohibits the sale of devices via vending machines.



The law does not restrict flavors in HTPs.

Specified ingredients/additives

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The law prohibits the manufacture, import and sale of tobacco products, which, by definition, includes tobacco inserts, containing the following specified ingredients and additives:

-vitamins or other additives that give the impression that a tobacco product has health benefits or reduces health risks or poses a lower health risk;

- caffeine, taurine or other additives and stimulants associated with energy and/or vitality;

- additives that have the ability to make emissions colored;

-additives that facilitate the inhalation of smoke or the absorption of nicotine; and

- additives having carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxic properties in unburned form.

Health warnings on product packaging

Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Required
Devices: Not Required
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Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Required

The law requires a text-only health warning stating, “[t]his tobacco product is harmful to your health and addictive” on the individual pack and outer packaging of smokeless tobacco products, which, by definition, includes tobacco inserts. The warning must be placed on the two largest surfaces of the packaging and occupy 30% of the total surface area.

Devices: Not Required

The law does not address health warnings on packaging for devices. Therefore, health warnings on packaging for devices are not required.

Other product packaging and labeling requirements

Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Required
Devices: Not Required
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Tobacco inserts (sticks, pods): Required

The law prohibits tobacco product packaging features that create a false impression about tobacco products and their health effects, or indicates that a certain tobacco product is less harmful than others or provides benefits related to vitality, energy and health.

Devices: Not Required

The law does not address other product packaging and labeling requirements for devices.

Location-based sales

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The law prohibits the sale of HTPs in the following locations: educational institutions; healthcare institutions; enclosed sports buildings; specialized trade organizations engaged in the trade of children's products or sporting goods; the relevant departments (sections) of global trade organizations; in places of sports competitions with the participation of children; from vending machines; and on self-service shelves. The direct sale of HTPs and the sale of HTPs in stalls (kiosks) are also prohibited.