
Code No. 8073-X on Administrative Offenses, December 7, 1984 (as amended)

COMMENTS: Code No. 8073-X on Administrative Offenses provides penalties for a variety of administrative offenses. Relevant to this website, the Code provides fines for smoking in places where smoking is prohibited. Only an excerpted portion of the law is available here.

Law of Ukraine No. 481/95 on the State Regulation of Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol, Cognac and Fruit Alcohols, Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Products, December 19, 1995 (as amended)

COMMENTS: Law of Ukraine No. 481/95 on the State Regulation of Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol, Cognac and Fruit Alcohols, Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Products regulates many aspects of the production and sale of alcohol, e-cigarettes, and tobacco products, including heated tobacco products. Relevant provisions, which are excerpted and provided, regulate packaging and labeling, restrictions on sale of tobacco products and e-cigarettes, and sanctions for violations.

Note: The uploaded files include amendments through July 16, 2010. The link to the "Official Website" directs to a consolidated version of the law (in Ukrainian) incorporating all amendments. Amendments relevant to our legislative analysis have also been uploaded individually below.

Law of Ukraine No. 270/96-BP on Advertising, July 03, 1996 (as amended)

COMMENTS: Law of Ukraine No. 270/96-BP on Advertising regulates advertising and sponsorship of all products. Article 22 specifically regulates advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products. The uploaded files include amendments through March 18, 2008. The link to the "Official Website" directs to a consolidated version of the law (in Ukrainian) incorporating all amendments.

Law of Ukraine No. 2899-IV on Measures to Prevent and Reduce the Consumption of Tobacco Products and their Harmful Influence on the Population’s Health, September 22, 2005 (as amended)

COMMENTS: Law of Ukraine No. 2899-IV on measures to prevent and reduce the consumption of tobacco products and their harmful influence on the population’s health covers many aspects of tobacco control, including, but not limited to packaging and labeling; restrictions on public smoking; constituents and emissions, and penalties for violations of provisions of this Law.

Note: The uploaded files include amendments from June 11, 2009 and January 21, 2010. The law has since been amended several times, and most of those amendments are uploaded individually below. The link to the "Official Website" directs to a consolidated version of the law (in Ukrainian) incorporating all amendments.

Law of Ukraine No. 1824-17 on the Introduction of Changes to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Restriction of the Consumption and Sale of Beer and Low Alcoholic Beverages

COMMENTS: Law of Ukraine No. 1824-17 on the Introduction of Changes to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Restriction of the Consumption and Sale of Beer and Low Alcoholic Beverages amends packaging and labeling provisions in the Law on Regulation of Alcohol and Tobacco and the Law on Tobacco Control. These provisions introduce picture pack warnings, which took effect in September 2012.

Resolution No. 885 on Amendment of Paragraph 4 of the Procedure for the Imposition of Fines for Violations of the Law on Advertising

COMMENTS: Council of Ministers Resolution No. 885 identifies the violations of the Law on Advertising for which fines can be imposed and on whom they can be imposed.

Law No. 3778 on the Introduction of Changes to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Prohibition of the Advertising, Sponsorship and Promotion of the Sale of Tobacco Products

COMMENTS: Law No. 3778 on the Introduction of Changes to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Prohibition of the Advertising, Sponsorship and Promotion of the Sale of Tobacco Products makes several amendments to the Law on Tobacco Control and the Law on Advertising. The law further restricts tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, including prohibiting advertising at the point of sale and all forms of sponsorship. In addition, the law amends some penalty provisions in the Code on Administrative Offenses.

Decree No. 306 on Approval of the List of Pictures and Pictograms which are Included to Additional Health Warnings on Tobacco Product Packages

COMMENTS: Decree No. 306 was issued by the Cabinet of Ministers pursuant to Law No. 1824-17 to implement the mandate for picture pack warnings. The Decree contains 10 pictorial secondary warnings.

Law No. 4844-VI on Amendment of Certain Laws of Ukraine on Improving Certain Provisions on Limiting Places for Smoking

COMMENTS: Law No. 4844-VI on Amendment of Certain Laws of Ukraine on Improving Certain Provisions on Limiting Places for Smoking places further restrictions on smoking in public, requiring some places to be 100% smoke free that were previously allowed to have designated smoking areas.

Law No. 1019-IX on Modification of Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Restriction of Circulation of Excisable Goods, Devices for Consumption of Tobacco Products Without Their Combustion and Strengthening of Control Over Sale of Such Goods

COMMENTS: Law No. 1019-IX amends Law of Ukraine No. 2899-IV, Law of Ukraine No. 481/95, and the Code on Administrative Offenses. The amendments extend certain provisions, such as the minimum legal sales age, location-based sales restrictions, and a ban on vending machine sales, to e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products.

Law No. 1978-IX on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Public Health Protection from Harmful Effects of Tobacco

COMMENTS: Law No. 1978-IX amends several acts relevant to tobacco control, including Law No. 481/95 on the State Regulation of Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol, Law No. 270/96-BP on Advertising, and Law No. 2899-IV on Measures to Prevent and Reduce the Consumption of Tobacco Products and their Harmful Influence on the Population’s Health.

Resolution No. 839 on the Approval of the Procedure for Preliminary Age Identification of Users of Websites of Manufacturers, Importers of Devices for the Consumption of Non-Combusted Tobacco Products and/or Electronic Cigarettes

Note: This law has not been reviewed by our legal staff and was not relied upon for purposes of our analysis. We are providing it here for informational purposes only.

To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of January 23, 2024 unless otherwise noted.