Are sub-national jurisdictions permitted to have smoke-free laws?
If yes, are they allowed to be more stringent than national law?
If yes, do one or more sub-national jurisdictions have smoke-free laws more stringent than national law?
A brief comment on the extent of sub-national legislation:
Some cities have their own laws, some of which go beyond national law and prohibit or restrict smoking in places not prohibited or restricted by national law. For example Kyiv, Cherkasy, Donetsk, and Sumy have smokefree legislation. In Kyiv, it is prohibited to smoke at outdoor bus stops and within 50 meters of the bus stop, and within 50 meters of a church. In Donetsk, it is prohibited to smoke in defined parks. In Cherkasy, it is prohibited to smoke on beaches. (This is merely an example of sub-national legislation going beyond national legislation, not an exhaustive list.).